Kinetis용 마이크로프로그 프로그래머/디버거
(mikroProg™ for Kinetis®)
- mikroProg™ for Kinetis는 NXP사의 ARM Cortex-M4 Kinetis 마이크로컨트롤러(K22-K64 시리즈)를 위한 프로그래머/디버거 입니다.
- 훌륭한 성능과 쉬운 동작을 가지고 있으며, mikroC 컴파일러에서 100% 지원됩니다.
- mikroProg™ for Kinetis is supported with MikroElektronika mikroC™, mikroBasic™ and mikroPascal™ compilers for ARM® microcontrollers.
- Debug your code and monitor code execution on the chip itself. mikroProg™ technology brings the power of hardware debugging to your favorite compiler.
- Over 30 MCUs from NXP Semiconductor's Kinetis ARM® Cortex®-M4 K64 and K22 familiers are supported right from the start. More will be added.
- Elegant minimalistic design, clean matte white plastic finish and colour indicator LEDs make our programmer the first of it's kind in the world.